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Hearing Self-Evaluation

Not sure about the state of your hearing? This brief quiz can give you an idea of whether you’re experiencing hearing loss. Answer yes or no.

  1. Do you hear people talk but have difficulty understanding the words?
  2. Do long conversations make you feel tired or irritable?
  3. Do people seem to mumble or speak more softly than they used to?
  4. Do you need to ask people to repeat things frequently?
  5. Do you piece together the meaning of speech without hearing all the words?
  6. Are you turning up the volume on the radio or TV above where others listen?
  7. Is it difficult to converse on the phone or your cell phone?
  8. Do you hear better with one ear than the other?
  9. Is it harder to hear when background noise is present?
  10. Do you strain to hear in crowded bars or restaurants?
  11. Have you had any significant noise exposure at work, recreation or in military service?
  12. Do you have difficulty following dialog at the movies or in a theater?
  13. Is it easier to understand men’s voices than women’s?
  14. Do you often misunderstand what others say?
  15. Is it sometimes difficult to understand the speaker at a public meeting or service?
  16. Does difficulty hearing cause you anxiety or embarrassment in new situations?
  17. Does difficulty hearing cause you to visit with friends or family members less often than you’d like?
  18. Has anyone close to you suggested that you might have a hearing problem?

Many people can answer yes to at least one question. But if you answer yes to two or more, it’s time for a more thorough investigation. Our hearing professionals can give you an in-depth analysis of your hearing abilities and some options. For a description of what to expect when getting your hearing evaluated with us, click here.

Next Steps

You might want to keep track of your hearing experience for a few days or a week. Track the number of times you experience difficulty in conversation, or how often you ask someone to repeat themselves. Ask a friend to set the TV volume to a comfortable listening level; is it loud enough for you to hear comfortably? What do your answers tell you?

A variety of high-tech solutions exist today to deal with hearing loss. There are many more hearing aid options today than there once were. As technology progresses solutions are becoming more discreet and blending better with modern lifestyles. Contact us to find out how hearing loss can be corrected today.

Source for this document: Starkey Laboratories


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