Hearing loss usually comes on gradually. So gradually, that many people dont even realize its happening. Your brain helps you adapt in subtle ways: you begin asking others to repeat themselves; you turn up the volume on the TV or radio; you turn your good ear towards the source of the sound.
While these coping mechanisms are helpful, theyre also a signal that hearing loss is taking place. And besides just finding it difficult to hear, you may begin to experience emotional and psychological effects, including:
If youre experiencing any of the above, seeking treatment is important. First, it makes sense to find out whether your hearing loss has a medical cause. If not, youll have the peace of mind of knowing this. Most hearing loss can be helped, and taking action can help you empower yourself and live more fully, no matter what the nature or severity of your hearing loss.
Source for this document: http://www.starkey.com/pages/identify/identifyImportance1.html